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Wrap Up

We have covered a lot over the guides so far and hopefully you have done quite a bit of preparation, planning and organisation. If you have followed our advice you haven't even signed up with a Web to Print provider yet. Let's have a look at what should have happened so far:

  1. You have decided on the first customer and products and worked on a checklist of what you want your Web to Print software to provide.

  2. You have auditioned potential suppliers and found the one you want to implement.

  3. You have developed your business plan and set achievable targets over realistic timeframes.

  4. You have worked out what you need to achieve in order for your chosen solution to be value adding to your business.

  5. You have decided how you are going to integrate your solution into your business.

  6. You have identified the key people needed for you Web to Print strategy.

The Final Pitfall

We see this all too often, a printer signs up, sends people for training and they leave with loads of knowledge about the software and lots of new ideas about what they are going to do with it for their customers. Three months later they have barely started their first storefront and forgotten all they were taught in training.

What's happened? Well it is normally that no one planned for someone to be free of their current duties for enough time to actually continue learning and building the first site and products. Their current job takes precedence until the Web to Print solution is all but forgotten. The software never stood a chance of being a success.

So our last bit of pre sign up advice:

Don't sign until you are ready to start work on your online business plan.

The bigger the gap from signup to using the software in a real world situation the bigger the chance of failure to actually get started. There is no pressure to sign up until you are ready to go so don't do it.


By now you should be in a really good position to sign up and get started. The work done so far has given you the best chance of success and up until the point of signing a contract you have spent nothing but people's time.

Future guides are going to talk about post sign up topics such as what to do if your customers are not using your shiny new system or how to grow your online business. For now though you can go into this new venture with the knowledge that you have done a lot of preparation and therefore done all you can to avoid the poor performance of the saying we quoted all the way back in the introduction section of the Pre Demo Guide.

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